Sprut – 2d Fluid solver for Nuke.

Here’s something I’m hoping to release for free once it’s all packaged up.

Sprut – A fast 2d fluid solver for Nuke.

* Based on Jos Stam’s 1999 Paper “Stable Fluids”
* Written as 2d gizmos; making it really easy to implement new ideas
* Fast and stable
* Creates and saves Uv’s and velocities to do post-sim manipulation
* Density and velocity manipulation during sim (viscocity and density diffusion, as well as rate flow control)
* Super Fun yo !

Next to do on my list is finishing the emitter and collision tools and package the whole thing up for a smooth release.


OneCall – Commercials 2006

Here’s two commercials I did while at Bug in 2006, I co-directed it together with Aslak Helgesen. I also did the lighting/rendering/comp and FX. Originally in Norwegian, these are the dubbed english versions.

It was featured on CGTalk, 3dTotal, CgNetworks and the montly DVD magazine Stash.

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXJLlTrzQ4M 480]
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